Why Me? Now What? (A Personal Journey Through Infertility)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Officially part of a new category.

That was the only thing I could think about as I sat at the table full of friends celebrating my much anticipated birthday. No longer could I cling to the hopes of that higher success rate at the fertility clinic. It seems that all the research I read shows that as soon as that 35th birthday slaps you in the face, you are part of a less promising group of women that have an even HARDER time getting pregnant.

What makes this year so special? Why is it that even the doctors and scientists label this as a D-day of sorts? One woman I met earlier in the week mentioned, after hearing that I would be "celebrating on Friday", that her mom used to say that this, my 35th, was the "mid life birthday".... great... I have officially reached the hill... it was to be all a slippery slope from here.


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